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Miss Librarian

The New Husband

D. J. Palmer

Once upon a time, I happened upon a post on Facebook from a book publisher, St. Martin's Press. You could give your informaton if you were interested in receiving a free Advance Readers' Edition of a book they had coming out. Free books? Sign me up. I believe they've now sent me 3 books. What fun mail it is! They are always so on point with including something that goes along with the book. I've received a keychain that that goes along with one book, a sucker that fit with another. This time, they had a letter that had the appearance of being real, that looked like it belonged in the book. Pretty cool. Needless to say, I was excited to read my newest mystery book!

"I hate him. I absolutely, positively hate him."

3 out of 5 Stars

After the mysterious disappearance of her husband, Nina starts to date Simon, a teacher from her daughter Maggie's school. He's perfect. He says all the right things. He seems to know all of her favorite things. He seems to be just what she needs in order to move on. Her son Connor seems to enjoy having a man around again. However, Maggie can't stand him. Is he as perfect as he seems? Is Maggie just upset because he's not her dad? And in the end, can they just live happily ever after?

This was a good psychological thriller. There was mystery. It left you wondering what really happened. I did feel like you could pretty quickly get a read on the character's though, especially Simon. You know something is off, and you're just waiting to find out what really happened. In the end, I found the book to be entertaining, but predictable. I would have liked a little more mystery, or twist. I do find it interesting to read books of this nature though, and wonder if there are really people like this out in the world.

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