Amor Towles
I picked up this book sometime in late 2019 or early 2020 when I was on a stroll through Barnes and Noble. My daughter has dance class a few minutes away, and sometimes, rather than drive home, I like to do some book browsing. This was displayed in the center aisle, and I just couldn't resist it. I was intrigued by the cover, and believe it or not, I often DO judge a book by its cover. I know, blasphemy coming from a librarian!
"And when this occurs--this extraordinary realignment of the stars--the man so long out of step with his times experiences a supreme lucidity. Suddenly all that has passed comes into focus as a necessary course of events, and all that promises to unfold has the clearest rhyme and reason."
4 out of 5 Stars
Count Alexander Rostov has been sentenced to never leave the Metropol hotel. After living the life of an aristocrat, this is quite a life change. Though, the Count has a gift for making the best of things. Banished to a tiny room at the top of the hotel, he still carries on with seemingly normal activities throughout each day. He is befriended by a young girl named Nina, who is full of curiosity and adventure. Nina's friendship starts the Count on a path that will ultimately be life changing.
Whew! This was quite a read. Several times, throughout the first portion of the book, I mentioned to my husband that I wasn't sure I was smart enough for this book. My worldly knowledge is quite lacking. But then, instead of trying to focus on every intricate detail, I instead focused on the relationships in the story, and, my heart. I admit, I had a difficult time in the beginning of the book seeing the Count as a young man in his thirties. He seemed so much older, so experienced. However, as he aged through the story, I was finally able to see him as the age he is. You will love Nina. You will love Sophia. And you will love the Count himself. Full of hope and love...what a touching story.