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  • Miss Librarian

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Robin Sloan

Two and a half years ago, I was blessed with an offer to move to a new school to become a Library Media Specialist. Prior to that, I had spent 12 years in the classroom, teaching kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and fourth grade. I have found my calling. The library life fills my heart with so much joy. One of the things I have done at my new building is to start a lending library for the teachers. This is a total win-win...because I buy So. Many. Books. So, my bookshelves at home flood just a little bit less, and my teachers can easily come to find books that they are interested in reading. Also, they add their own books to collection, (lucky me)! I picked up this book from the lending library months ago. I finally took the time to read it after the New Year.

"...this is exactly the kind of store that makes you want to buy a book about a teenage wizard. This is the kind of store that makes you want to BE a teenage wizard."

So, what did I think?

4 out of 5 Stars

Clay, a cyber-hip San Franciscan, finds himself working at a curious little bookstore, due to unfortunate events that led to the company he was working for shutting down. He begins to realize, though he already had a feeling, that this little bookstore is a little different. There is a giant section of books that he is told not to read. When someone comes in for one of those books, he is supposed to write down everything he can remember about the customers in this giant book. How were they feeling? What were they wearing? What did they need? He wonders if it is some kind of secret book club. Of course, it's a mystery that he wants to solve...and so, he sets off to do just that. And in the end, he can't believe what he has discovered.

What a bizarre, weird, incredible book. From the mysteriously quirky bookstore, to the interesting odd customers, this book pulled me right in. I couldn't help but imagine myself climbing up a giant ladder to reach the books. It completely took me back to my obsession with the Beast's library the first time Belle saw it. So many books. A dream come true. I also am super jealous to think that there might be these magical secret little book cults around that I'm totally missing out on. I mean, how amazing would that be. And don't even get me started on the secret entrance through a bookshelf. Swoon. Of course, there is much more to the story, but it was the ambiance and mystery that pulled me in.

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