Keith Negley
I am SO glad that I live in the day and age that women wearing pants is completely acceptable. Don't get me wrong, I like to look pretty in a dress every once in a while. My daily outfit though, is pants. Leggings to be exact, because...LEGGINGS! #comfort I don't even remember how I was ever comfortable before leggings. Thank heavens that there was a brave lady named Mary Edwards Walker who stood up for women everywhere, and showed the world that women deserve the comfort and freedom of pants as well as men. And it shouldn't matter that women are "supposed to" wear dresses. The thing is, they don't have to. #preachMary
"The only thing girls could wear were uncomfortable dresses...heavy-and-hot-and-hard-to-breathe-in dresses. Tied-too-tight-and-can't-bend-over dresses! It's the way things have always been and the way things will always be, they said. And no one thought it should be any different. Actually, that last part's not entirely true....Mary thought it should be different, and she had an idea."
So, what did I think?
5 out of 5 Stars
This picture book biography is about Mary Edwards Walker. She grew up in a time when all girls and women wore dresses. All the time. No matter what. Pants on a lady were unheard of. Mary was tired of being uncomfortable all of the time, and she decided to stand up for equal rights. If girls and women wanted to wear pants, then they should be allowed to. And so, she did just that.
This is an easy read, and can be enjoyed among all elementary aged children. This is a great book for showing that it is important to stand up for what you believe in. Even though you are just one person, sometimes it takes only one person to make a change with a lasting effect. That's just what Mary did, and I for one, will be forever grateful. With its unique illustrations, and simple to follow story, children will be inspired by Mary's courage. I am looking forward to purchaing this book for my elementary library.