Dean Robbins
Dance is such an emotional art form. One of my favorite things about being a mom has been watching my daughter dance for the past eight years. The music, the rhythm and movement, the feelings and emotions...they all come together to create this masterpiece. I love every second of it. Different styles. Different beats. Different attitudes. I hope dance is a part of our family for many years to come.
"People from different neighborhoods weren't supposed to mix. Not in dances and not in many other ways."
4 out of 5 Stars
Millie dances in her Italian neighborhood. Pedro dances in his Puerto Rican neighborhood. Blacks and Jews dance in places with other blacks and Jews. All of that changes when Machito and His Afro-Cubans created Latin jazz, bringing people from different cultures together, to dance at the Palladium Ballroom in 1948.
What a beautifully written and illustrated book. I loved the way this story showed segregation being overcome through dance. I loved seeing a variety of cultures through both costume and dance. This book would be great to use in the discussion of equality, and is a story that even young children could follow along with.