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Miss Librarian

Just Right: Searching for the Goldilocks Planet

Curtis Manley

As a child, I cannot remember learning anything about the solar system. Maybe it was because I moved schools, and I missed it somewhere in there. Maybe I just wasn't interested, and therefore don't remember it. I don't know. I don't have an answer. I'm a little ashamed that to this day, I still can't tell you the order of the planets, thought I think I can name them all?!? There's all of this space out there, literally, and I know next to nothing about it. Crazy.

"So far they've found no proof of life elsewhere. So far we still seem to be alone in the universe. But as telescopes get bigger and better, and as we watch more and more stars, the chances of finding life improve."

2 out of 5 Stars

Earth is a planet that is just right for us. It is not too hot, not too cold, not too big, not too small. It has what we need to survive, unlike other planets in our solar system. The question is though, are there other planets out there, surrounding other stars, that would be a Goldilocks planet, and be just right for life?

I've read this book multiple times now. And I'm still overwhelmed with the amount of information. I think that a student who is wanting detailed information about the solar system would find this book interesting. However, I feel like I need something a little more simplified than this. It could just be me. It could just be because space is not my jam. Kudos to the science inclined folks out there. I definitely have more reading to do. But I think I need something a little easier to ease my way into space education. I feel like I'm judging this harshly, but I feel like part of the judgment should be my lack of exposure and knowledge.

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