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Miss Librarian

Just Like Rube Goldberg: The Incredible True Story of the Man Behind the Machines

Sarah Aronson

Have you ever finally figured something out that you thought you probably should've known a long time ago? Yeah...that was me and Rube Goldberg. I'd heard of Rube Goldberg. I knew it was a person. I knew it had something to do with inventions and contraptions. However, I had no idea that these inventions were just cartoons with Rube's alter ego!

"Although this was the age when new machines were being invented to make life easier Rube's screwball contraptions purposefully solved problems in the most surreal and ridiculous ways."

So, what did I think?

5 out of 5 Stars

This biography is all about our man, Rube. The talented Rube had big dreams to become a famous cartoonist. You can't just be a cartoonist and make a living though. Oftentimes, you must start at the bottom and work your way up. Rube Goldberg started at the bottom, cleaning up trash and scrubbing floors at the San Francisco Chronicle. But he never stopped drawing. After working for several different newspapers, he got a job as a cartoonist for the New York Evening Mail. And, people loved him. They loved the character he created, Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola Butts. Haha! He made the craziest multi-step contraptions to do the simplest things.

This book was great! Not only could you build in lessons for simple machines, and how things work, but what a great way to get kids to streeeeeeeeetch their brains and think outside of the box. How do you eat a cookie? You pick it up, open your mouth, take a bite, and chew. Yes...but that's too simple. How ELSE could you eat a cookie? What machines could you use to create a chain reaction to achieve the same goal? Kids and teachers alike could have a blast with this. And my favorite part of the book, was the message at the end. "Figure out what you want. Work as hard as you can. And most of all,, have a great time getting there...just like Rube Goldberg!"

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