Cirocco Dunlap
I will always have a special place in my heart for dinosaurs. My son, who is turning 13 on Friday, LOVED dinosaurs when he was little. He could tell you all about them. His bedroom was dinosaur themed. He had dvds, and games, and books about dinosaurs that we would read at bedtime. This book let me remember my sweet, little, not teenage son for just a moment. Moms...where does the time go? Does each year pass by more quickly than the last, or is it just me?!?
"This is Crunch. Crunch is shy, so you'll have to be the first to say hello. Go on, say hello."
5 out of 5 Stars
Crunch is a very shy dinosaur. Be careful. If you speak too loudly, you might scare him! But make sure to speak up a little, because he wants to hear what you have to say. Do you like birthdays? So does Crunch! Maybe you could sing the Happy Birthday song to Crunch?!
Winner winner. This book was wonderful. I absolutely adore books that were written to be interactive. They are the BEST to read with your littles. My kindergarten students loved Crunch! What a sweet story. The cutest part was that my kiddos wanted to stay quiet for the rest of library, so that they didn't wake Crunch up from his nap. So precious!