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Miss Librarian


Mo Willems

Before becoming an elementary school library media specialist, I wasn't very familiar with Mo Willems. I had heard of him, but I don't believe I had read any of his books. However, I have grown to know and love Mo's books, and I love spreading the love of them to my students. I cannot keep his books on the shelves.

"In row C, seat 14--sat the girl with the uncle's ticket. She heard the beautiful music written by the man named Franz--and it changed her."

5 out of 5 Stars

Because of a series of connected events, a young girl has the opportunity to attend the symphony with aunt, and her life is forever changed. She goes home, and starts down a path filled with the magic of music, and it helps her to become the person she grows up to be.

What a beautiful book. The simplicity of the way that the story was written, along with the beautiful illustrations, will draw readers of all ages in. A great story to show the connection of things in the world. This book could be used to help guide children to find what inspires them. As a teacher, I could also see using this book a mentor text for writing. Similar to writing a circular story, you could write a story with a beacuse of ______, ______ happened story. Wonderful book.

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